Cryptocurrencies Get Christmassy

With Christmas 2018 rapidly approaching, it appears that cryptocurrency companies are eager to spread some goodwill and cheer in the wake of the recent crypto-market price slumps.

Firstly, the gurus at Broadhaven Tech have invented “a modern Magi gift” that allows people to give their friends and loved ones a virtual Christmas present in the form of “digital gold”.

The Cards of Crypto website allows anyone with an email address to send their chosen recipient the gift of cryptocurrency in a similar way to sending e-vouchers for brands such as Amazon.

All customers need to do is purchase between $5 and $50’s worth of Bitcoin or Ethereum directly via the site using a choice of popular payment methods such as Visa and MasterCard. Next, the purchased cryptocurrency is safely stored in an Escrow wallet which is encrypted with the customer’s selected passphrase. Broadhaven Tech then sends the personalised Christmas e-card to the recipient with a message from the purchaser, letting them know that they’ve been gifted cryptocurrency.

Finally, the recipient retrieves the private key to the wallet and moves their funds to a secure wallet if required. The purchaser can also choose to “lock” the e-card so that it cannot be opened before a certain date such as 25th December 2018.

The company behind Cards of Crypto is Broadhaven Tech, a cybersecurity and blockchain company which specialises in consultancy, full stack engineering, and prototyping. A portion of the fees charged for each Christmas e-card will be donated to the UK-based charity, Crisis, which helps homeless people rebuild their lives.

For followers of cryptocurrencies who aren’t so keen to give digital coins as Christmas presents this year, there’s Coinbase’s 12 Days of Coinbase promotion, which runs between Monday 10th and Friday 21st December 2018.

Every day at midday PST during the promotional period, the popular USA-based platform that makes it simple to sell, buy and store cryptocurrencies is announcing new features, charity donations, support for new cryptocurrencies, and more.

For example, on 11th December 2018, Coinbase donated $10,000 in Zcash ($ZEC) to help support more than fifty Venezuelan families, allowing them to purchase basic supplies and food at local stores that accept cryptocurrency payments. And, on 15th December, the company donated $10,000 of Bitcoin to help more than 150 Syrian refugees in Greece.

Aside from making charitable donations, Coinbase has made it possible for its customers to turn their cryptocurrencies into e-gift cards just in time for the holiday season. The e-gift card programme (WeGift), which was previously only available in the EU and UK, has now been opened up to US customers, and is operated in conjunction with a number of notable vendors including Nike, Uber, Zalando, Costa, New Look, Decathlon, M&S, Carrefour, Google Play, Halfords, Tesco, Argos, B&Q, House of Fraser, Clarks, Ernest Jones, Cineworld, and All Bar One.

All Coinbase customers using the WeGift programme need to do is select their Coinbase wallet, choose the amount that they wish to spend, and then pick the e-Gift card that they wish to purchase.

By Laura Kilby.

